2022.04~至今 韦德官方网站 教授
2012.07~2022.04 中国食品发酵工业研究院有限公司 教授级高级工程师
2008.09~2012.06 中国农业大学 食品科学专业 博士研究生 工学博士
[1] 十三五国家支撑计划“营养功能性食品制造关键技术研究与新产品创制”(2016YFD0400600)2016.7-2021.6
[2] 国家高技术研究发展“863”计划项目:脱敏蛋白制备关键技术研究与开发(2013AA102205),2013.1-2017.12
[3] 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目:增强免疫功能因子的制备关键技术及其应用(2012BAD33B04),2012.1-2016.12
[4] 国家自然科学基金“牡蛎过敏原Crag1蛋白热损伤结构变化及IgE相互作用热力学抑制机理研究” 2017.1-2020.12
[5] 北京市科委科技创新基地培育与发展工程专项项目:果蔬酵素高效生物发酵代谢调控技术研究与成果应用(Z171100001317006)2017.1-2019.3
[6] 北京市科委首都食品质量安全保障专项项目:功能性短肽医用食品的开发及试制(Z161100005016030)2016.12-2018.3
[7] 玉米低聚肽粉保肝护肝、解酒和保护胃肠粘膜效果研究,2019.6-2019.10
[8] 年产600吨蓝莓酵素技术研究开发及工程项目,2015.10-2016.12
[9] 紫苏肽工艺研发、工程设计及工业转化集成技术开发项目,2019.2-2020.5
[1] Mingliang Li, Ying Wei*, Zhiyuan Feng,etal.Dipeptides derived from corn peptides increase protein accumulation in C2C12 cells by activating the Akt-mTOR signaling pathway and inhibiting the NF-κB signaling pathway[J]. Food Bioscience. 2021
[2] Zhiyuan Feng,Ying Wei*, Yaguang Xu, Ruixue Zhang, Mingliang Li, Huimin Qin, Ruizeng Gu, Muyi Cai. The Anti-fatigue Activity of Corn Peptides and Their Effect on Gut Bacteria[J]. Journal of the science of food and Agriculture 2021
[3] Fang Lei, Zhang, Ruixue, Ying Wei*, Ling, Kong, Lu, Lu, Wang, Jing, Pan, Xingchang, Cai, MuYi. Anti-Fatigue Effects of Fermented Soybean Protein Peptides in Mice[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2021
[4] Xiu-Yuan Qin, Ying Wei*, Rui-xue Zhang, Lei Fang, Hai-xin Zhang, Yuan Bi, Rui-Zeng Gu. The effects of topical application of different molecular weight Marine Fish Skin Collagen Oligopeptides against UVB-induced photoaging in rats skin[J]. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2021
[5] Yan Zhu, Ruixue Zhang, Ying Wei*, Muyi Cai,YongqingMa,Ruizeng Gu, Haixin Zhang, Xingchang Pan. Rice peptide and collagen peptide prevented potassium oxonate-induced hyperuricemia and renal damage[J]. Food Bioscience, 2021
[6] Ruixue Zhang, Ying Wei*, Jiangtao Zhang, Muyi Cai, Lu Lu, Lei Fang, Xiuyuan Qin, Ruizeng Gu. Protection effects of rice protein hydrolysate on UVB-irradiated photodamage in Hartley guinea pigs skin and human skin fibroblasts[J]. Journal of Functional Foods, 2021
[7] Qiguan Jin,Wenting,Shi Yuchen Wang, Shuyan Li,Chen Xue,Haoran Xu,Meitong Wu, Ying Wei*.Oyster peptide prevents the occurrence of exercise‐hypogonadal male condition by improving the function of pituitary gonadal axis in male rats. Andrologia, 2021
[8] Ruixue Zhang, Ying Wei*, Mingliang Li, Muyi Cai, Ruizeng Gu, Yong Ma, Liang Chen, Jing Wang.Melanogenesis effects of rice protein hydrolysate and its characteristic peptides Leu-Leu-Lys, Leu-Pro-Lys, and pyroGlu-Lys on UVB-induced human epidermal melanocyte cells[J]. Food & Function.2020
[9] Li ML , Zhou M , Wei Y* , et al. The beneficial effect of oyster peptides and oyster powder on cyclophosphamide‐induced reproductive impairment in male rats: A comparative study[J]. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2020
[10] Wei Y* , Zhang R , Fang L , et al. Hypoglycemic effects and biochemical mechanisms of Pea oligopeptide on high‐fat diet and streptozotocin induced diabetic mice[J]. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019
[1] 2021 用于发酵大豆蛋白的乳酸菌菌剂、制备方法、发酵方法、具有增肌功能的发酵产物 中国发明专利
[2] 2019 一种具有美白功能的大米肽及其制备方法 中国发明专利
[3] 2019 一种具有提高性功能功效的牡蛎肽及其制备方法 中国发明专利
[4] 2019 植物乳杆菌及其应用 中国发明专利
[5] 2019 一种橘皮发酵制品及其制备方法 中国发明专利
[6] 2017 Fish Protein Oligopeptide with Low Allergenicity and Slight Fishiness and Industrial Preparation Method and Application thereof美国发明专利
[7] 2015 Corn active peptide additive for cell culture medium 美国发明专利